Pregnancy Carnival

I first want to apologize for skipping the last scheduled publishing date. I recently spent almost a week spotting and then lost a baby so everything was on the back burner. It should be on schedule from now on! So onto the carnival!

First up is’s article on Nutrition for Making Babies. It is a great article showing how groups around the world eat! But while we are on the subject of food we have to talk about morning sickness. Preschoolers and Peace talks about her battle with morning sickness and what is helping in Morning Sickness Revisited.

As we get further along we have some other issues to read about. Are you having nervousness about the sex of your child? Family of Five remembers her feelings and concerns when she found out that she was expecting sons in More Boys Than Girls Are Being Born In The World. How final is your doctor’s word on issues? How do you feel about induction? How about early induction at 33 weeks? Milliner’s Dream talks about this in –So, how do YOU feel about that?

To wrap up with a bit of humor we look to blogging and conception. Lakshmi at Babblogue XL talks about this in Labour of Love.

So this is the end of the ride. The next carnival will be Thursday August 10th. Please go to Blog Carnival and submit an article! It can be facts, experience (yours or someone elses) or just fun! Please join us.

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